Rental Information



The Burritts Rapids Community Hall is currently OPEN for rentals at 100% capacity.  The hall can accomodate 110 standing (max capacity), or 85 seated guests (concert or show), or 65 at tables (dinner or a formal setting).

Visitors to the Burritts Rapids Community Hall do so voluntarily and are responsible for their own safety. By entering the hall, visitors freely accept and assume all risks and possibility of injury, death, property damage, expense, and related loss, including loss of income, resulting in participating in activities hosted at the hall.

Groups meeting indoors and/or outdoors for weddings, celebrations, fitness, arts and culture discussions or classes are welcome.

We welcome one-time bookings and offer special rates for recurring groups and clubs. For hall availability, see calendar below. NOTE: Saturdays and full weekends are available for weddings and major events with 1-2 months notice. Major events have priority over shorter bookings on Saturdays.

2023 RATES

One Time Rentals

  • $25/hr (min 4 hours)
  • $500/day (8am-midnight)
  • $750/weekend (Friday 4pm - Sunday 4pm)

Regular Events (8 or more rentals per year)

  • $15/hr (min 1.5 hours)

Arts and Culture Events (concerts, plays, Robbie Burns Day party, etc.)

  • 15% of all ticket sales in lieu of rental fee for ticketed cultural events

The following documents are available:

For more information or to check on availability, please see calendar below (hover or click on a date to see start and end times) and contact our Rental Agent via e-mail at